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Want to see Juggl Desks in action?

Juggl Desk
booking system

The simple way to create and manage

your desk bookings.

Free trial
Juggl desks booking software product screen image
Cloud based

Cloud based access, enabling your staff to book a desk from anywhere, on any device.

Easy access

A simple sign-up process, including single sign on using Microsoft 365 credentials, to enable instant access for all of your staff.

Quick, simple booking process

Quick and easy booking process, including the tools to enable staff to meet their specific workplace needs and work nearby their teammates.

Search available desks

Juggl Desks enables your staff to search available desks, find a desk near a colleague and book a desk which meets all their requirements.

Catherine HoltAssurance Practice Manager, MHA Moore & Smalley

Jo VassDigital Workplace Manager, Megger

Lynn SmithCommunications Manager, Golden Charter

Manage your office locations, desks and capacity

Created to enable you to manage multiple locations, floors and endless desks by name or number, Juggl Desks ensures your teams can easily book a day in the office and trust they will have the equipment they need and you can better manage your office capacity.

Quick to create, easy to use

You can get started straight away by signing up and creating your workspace. Once your workspace is created you can share the link with your colleagues and they can register with either their email address or sign in with Microsoft. Once they’ve registered they can start booking desks right away.

It’s easy to get started

There are a few ways you can get started. You can click on the Login/Signup button and get going straightaway and our support page is here to offer guidance on how to create your workspace if needed.

Or you can book a demo at the top of this page and we can take you on a tour of Juggl Desks before you go ahead and start creating your workspace. The choice is yours.

Help getting started

When you sign up to our Juggl Desk
booking system, you’ll get:

Easy set up

Unlimited desk bookings

Unlimited desks and locations

Upload floor plans

Flexible desk naming convention

Capacity reporting

Great user experience

Mobile friendly interface

Single sign on with Microsoft 365

Filter by facilities and location

Search by bookings made by team mates

Email notifications and reminders

Calendar integration

Peace of mind

Secure cloud access

UK based storage

GDPR compliance guarantee

Dedicated support helpdesk

Dedicated Account Manager

Flexible payment plans

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